Paramount Logo Bloopers:
The Mountain Chronicles
Based off of the original series by Taylor Enterprises. Microsoft Sam and the gang are back to get the logo right or wrong again in the studio, but watch out that Microsoft Sam had to came across for the Villain logos. Don’t even get too spooked folks!
Here you can see the following categories of logo bloopers by Jack Holland, they were basically based on the Looney Tunes Intro Bloopers by Davemadson Entertainment and some logo bloopers that were even created and more crazier than ever with pure logo style!
HBO Logo Bloopers
Based off of the original series by Taylor Enterprises. Somewhere in the sky, three letters are about to get together for Home Box Office is just for the job to get done!
Village Roadshow Pictures Logo Bloopers
Based off of the original series by Taylor Enterprises. The iconic “V” symbol is here to be on the spotlight for the most takes to get along with the other topics!
ABC ID Logo Bloopers
Based off of the original series by Taylor Enterprises. American Broadcasting Company’s very own ID needs to get done in no time! The first three letters says it all for this session to be get the job of any day!
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Logo Bloopers
It's the studio that redefined motion pictures for generations since it's founding in 1924. We'd like to pay tribute to the studio that roared it's fame! Taking inspiration from "Davemadson's Looney Tunes Intro Bloopers", things aren't going to well in the MGM studios. You'll might even see special guests from other logos and franchises. Will Mimsie the Cat and Leo the Lion meet each other? What could absolutely go wrong?
Orion Pictures Logo Bloopers
The stars are in their bright shape as what Orion’s gonna do with different types of any other takes to do! No match for the logo with them to get this session started.
20th Century Fox Logo Bloopers
Based off of the original series by Timothy Ly. The structure’s not going anywhere until it gets it all right! But for many reasons for their 20th time a day!
Castle Rock Entertainment Logo Bloopers
The lighthouse was right around in the distance and was about to get ready for the session for the light spread of the words! Talk about a great style of view!
Touchstone Pictures Logo Bloopers
Once that lightning touches a blue orb, comes for a take of the action! No matter how long it takes to get the logo right, makes it a little bit of problem with this to do.
New World Pictures Logo Bloopers
Once there’s a red orb who had many problems to take for the logo to be done. Whatever the reason for that orb fella, might’ve been wanted to get in the hurry alright.
THX Logo Bloopers
Based off of the original series by JohnKyle Enterprises. Three letters around the blue rectangular barrier needs a little work to be done. From Deep Notes to any other shenanigans, it’ll be a worth for the job.
Jim Henson Logo Bloopers
The iconic signature has been ages for awhile now, but for their sessions to take. From the iconic green signature of the logo that we all formally know is about to get started.
Warner Bros. Logo Bloopers
The shield is getting ready for the session that needs to be done in the right time. Two letters are come in hand with the problems, mostly out of luck.